(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
This report contains overall statistics.
(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending
10-Apr-2003 00:34).
Successful requests: 27,494 (1,572)
Average successful requests per day: 305 (224)
Successful requests for pages: 3,939 (210)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 43 (29)
Failed requests: 227 (6)
Redirected requests: 532 (37)
Distinct files requested: 1,405 (121)
Distinct hosts served: 2,786 (180)
Unwanted logfile entries: 14,547
Data transferred: 107.029 megabytes (5.675 megabytes)
Average data transferred per day: 1.189 megabytes (830.300 kilobytes)
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
This report lists the activity in each month.
Each unit () represents 40 requests
for pages or part thereof.
month: reqs: pages: --------: ----: -----: Jan 2003: 8255: 1175:Busiest month: Feb 2003 (1,410 requests for pages).Feb 2003: 9522: 1410:
Mar 2003: 7698: 1080:
Apr 2003: 2019: 274:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
This report lists the activity in each week.
Each unit () represents 10 requests
for pages or part thereof.
week beg.: reqs: pages: ---------: ----: -----: 5/Jan/03: 899: 111:Busiest week: week beginning 9/Feb/03 (375 requests for pages).12/Jan/03: 2619: 373:
19/Jan/03: 2510: 364:
26/Jan/03: 2506: 373:
2/Feb/03: 2372: 340:
9/Feb/03: 2678: 375:
16/Feb/03: 2077: 342:
23/Feb/03: 2395: 345:
2/Mar/03: 1974: 276:
9/Mar/03: 1972: 286:
16/Mar/03: 1491: 209:
23/Mar/03: 1601: 205:
30/Mar/03: 1485: 214:
6/Apr/03: 915: 126:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
This report lists the activity in each day.
Each unit () represents 2 requests
for pages or part thereof.
date: reqs: pages: ---------: ----: -----: 27/Feb/03: 375: 59:Busiest day: 27/Jan/03 (74 requests for pages).28/Feb/03: 363: 53:
1/Mar/03: 279: 38:
2/Mar/03: 226: 34:
3/Mar/03: 296: 43:
4/Mar/03: 372: 46:
5/Mar/03: 315: 43:
6/Mar/03: 242: 33:
7/Mar/03: 277: 34:
8/Mar/03: 246: 43:
9/Mar/03: 230: 34:
10/Mar/03: 318: 49:
11/Mar/03: 396: 58:
12/Mar/03: 326: 37:
13/Mar/03: 167: 24:
14/Mar/03: 318: 42:
15/Mar/03: 217: 42:
16/Mar/03: 169: 26:
17/Mar/03: 251: 40:
18/Mar/03: 239: 33:
19/Mar/03: 221: 27:
20/Mar/03: 204: 30:
21/Mar/03: 218: 27:
22/Mar/03: 189: 26:
23/Mar/03: 258: 32:
24/Mar/03: 321: 36:
25/Mar/03: 253: 34:
26/Mar/03: 238: 28:
27/Mar/03: 180: 20:
28/Mar/03: 240: 34:
29/Mar/03: 111: 21:
30/Mar/03: 195: 36:
31/Mar/03: 186: 30:
1/Apr/03: 213: 33:
2/Apr/03: 233: 31:
3/Apr/03: 209: 27:
4/Apr/03: 255: 35:
5/Apr/03: 194: 22:
6/Apr/03: 168: 22:
7/Apr/03: 169: 26:
8/Apr/03: 227: 33:
9/Apr/03: 351: 45:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
This report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.
Each unit () represents 15 requests
for pages or part thereof.
day: reqs: pages: ---: ----: -----: Sun: 3194: 457:Mon: 4333: 636:
Tue: 4197: 602:
Wed: 4338: 591:
Thu: 3667: 552:
Fri: 4003: 566:
Sat: 3762: 535:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.
Each unit () represents 6 requests
for pages or part thereof.
hour: reqs: pages: ----: ----: -----: 0: 953: 125:1: 939: 129:
2: 809: 115:
3: 691: 98:
4: 622: 90:
5: 647: 95:
6: 641: 99:
7: 864: 124:
8: 896: 132:
9: 1229: 163:
10: 1192: 181:
11: 1498: 217:
12: 1414: 210:
13: 1468: 207:
14: 1416: 227:
15: 1492: 223:
16: 1822: 260:
17: 1546: 219:
18: 1237: 166:
19: 1273: 185:
20: 1197: 169:
21: 1248: 179:
22: 1297: 184:
23: 1103: 142:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
This report lists the organisations of the computers which requested files.
Listing the top 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: organisation -----: ------: ------------ 2054: 3.16%: rocemabra.com 1350: 3.16%: 12 1164: 4.03%: rr.com 1145: 4.24%: attbi.com 692: 2.84%: comcast.net 656: 2.72%: aol.com 625: 2.30%: cox.net 497: 1.65%: pacbell.net 465: 1.44%: covad.net 435: 1.38%: mindspring.com 344: 1.13%: verizon.net 322: 1.14%: optonline.net 268: 1.00%: shawcable.net 261: 0.89%: bellsouth.net 241: 1.00%: geekstreet.net 232: 0.76%: btopenworld.com 221: 0.85%: phnet.fi 195: 0.88%: uu.net 180: 0.56%: adelphia.net 169: 0.54%: level3.net 15978: 64.34%: [not listed: 1,141 organisations]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
This report lists the computers which requested files.
Listing the top 50 hosts by the number of requests, sorted alphabetically.
reqs: %bytes: host -----: ------: ---- 248: 0.40%: 223: 0.32%: 287: 0.42%: 327: 0.48%: 76: 0.88%: 39: 0.18%: 41: 0.14%: 121: 0.46%: 120: 0.18%: 52: 0.51%: 67: 0.25%: mcf1.wc.optusnet.com.au 39: 0.36%: gw4.amvescap.com 46: 0.19%: h0050ba438baf.ne.client2.attbi.com 45: 0.25%: planitia.ne.client2.attbi.com 49: 0.11%: host213-122-183-73.in-addr.btopenworld.com 43: 0.15%: cdm-66-82-194-slsp.cox-internet.com 134: 1.60%: crawler1.crawler918.com 62: 0.67%: crawler10.googlebot.com 52: 0.69%: wfp2.almaden.ibm.com 52: 0.20%: p144.190.20.209.nwlink.com 90: 0.31%: us1.pharmacia.com 2054: 3.16%: www.rocemabra.com 61: 0.17%: rdu168-177-144.nc.rr.com 76: 1.83%: mercury.sabren.com 46: 0.13%: proxy2.seabury-ins.com 47: 0.14%: p131.as1.viclink.com 36: 0.10%: pix-pool.wishard.edu 150: 0.46%: baana-62-165-131-211.phnet.fi 71: 0.39%: proxy2.phnet.fi 40: 0.17%: zephyrette.llnl.gov 48: 0.14%: pacr31.iss.tcd.ie 68: 0.35%: d35.hkanagawafl1.vectant.ne.jp 41: 0.20%: pcp01722750pcs.union01.nj.comcast.net 50: 0.17%: pcp02395409pcs.plmthm01.pa.comcast.net 61: 0.15%: h-68-164-64-142.lsanca54.covad.net 56: 0.24%: ip68-5-171-8.oc.oc.cox.net 51: 0.16%: ip68-12-182-165.ok.ok.cox.net 222: 0.93%: shiny.geekstreet.net 48: 0.15%: lsanca1-ar6-4-62-200-002.lsanca1.elnk.dsl.genuity.net 35: 0.10%: grr-gw250-pool1-4-165.iserv.net 53: 0.20%: ip142166042026.nbtel.net 51: 0.21%: ool-435068c4.dyn.optonline.net 54: 0.24%: slkcdslgw5poolb140.slkc.uswest.net 53: 0.31%: 1cust43.tnt11.dca5.da.uu.net 37: 0.16%: client-931-p2-lns-winn.adsl.virgin.net 54: 0.44%: d48.as0.coln.mi.voyager.net 37: 0.36%: d9.as0.coln.mi.voyager.net 45: 0.19%: acs-24-239-90-26.zoominternet.net 63: 0.18%: mailgate.sgcltd.co.uk 47: 0.12%: mail2.billings.k12.mt.us 21526: 79.69%: [not listed: 2,736 hosts]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
This report lists the referrers (where people followed links from, or pages which included this site's images).
Listing referring URLs with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: URL -----: --- 15471: http://www.osxgoodies.com/ 15: http://www.osxgoodies.com/?PHPSESSID=71e617487584f0b0579ec3400526baa8 1395: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php 407: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22 28: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22&PHPSESSID=40e54ff308a1437e42aef8065c9de4ed 23: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22&PHPSESSID=7af16be6710a3a889c5622d5dd7f2f31 21: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22&cid=11&pid=10 12: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22&PHPSESSID=10caae472217ec65f5fa5b51620b6bf7 12: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22&PHPSESSID=7afa7274a22888b637461ea5e18df7f5 12: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22&cid=13&pid=0 12: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22&PHPSESSID=1933ffa7d8868005199a84098708b801 12: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22&PHPSESSID=ef548f3c7c7a61bfe3c26faa1194609d 12: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22&cid=17&pid=11 12: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22&cid=15&pid=0 11: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22&PHPSESSID=202aab25712b4d371b59e6bb80eec665 10: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22&PHPSESSID=bf50d7825aa25d70c55e55886930c9f0 10: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22&PHPSESSID=d589e859a506d6b9e2013a186b971ced 10: http://www.osxgoodies.com/node.php?id=22&PHPSESSID=387970a98d5db3c25f48f9560720695b 1227: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php 106: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=login 93: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=edit 87: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=register 77: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user 73: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=login 46: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=tracker 44: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&PHPSESSID=71e617487584f0b0579ec3400526baa8 22: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=comment&op=reply&id=22 22: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=edit&PHPSESSID=f08a7d54c167f2eb8f8618e8bec05b38 18: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=edit&PHPSESSID=79705991e4ce22a36557ac4ed6c99641 17: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=forum 17: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=edit&PHPSESSID=8488e5f23021fbe136e24323794a1129 14: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=tracker&id=1 14: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=edit&PHPSESSID=388003d6ccd87ab24bd5e17a3aae1104 14: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=edit&PHPSESSID=41992385efca77c221f1214c2ad956b7 14: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=edit&PHPSESSID=8a714b1a530ce2870f4291f17914f8aa 14: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=edit&PHPSESSID=3ec9709f2f55d9667ad23571a7e26ff5 14: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&PHPSESSID=b0e111ed09f47da517e1b9687d3476ee 13: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=edit&PHPSESSID=582da7e1184eacc9d4e8d652c71f1201 12: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=register&PHPSESSID=79705991e4ce22a36557ac4ed6c99641 11: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=register&PHPSESSID=8488e5f23021fbe136e24323794a1129 11: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=register&PHPSESSID=db9af66e3117e88c08424e1a2f3252a0 10: http://www.osxgoodies.com/module.php?mod=user&op=password 694: http://www.dailymac.com/ 301: http://www.dailyimac.com/ 191: http://ranchero.com/software/netnewswire/ 165: http://osxgoodies.com/ 84: http://www.dailymac.com/content/osx_help/ 75: http://www.dailymac.com/content/beginners/ 71: http://www.dailymac.com/content/osx_goodies/visage.html 68: http://www.dailymac.com/content/osx_goodies/ 56: http://www.dailymac.com/articles/fyi/custoicons.html 55: http://www.dailymac.com/content/shopper/shuttlepro.html 52: http://www.dailymac.com/content/osx_features/dl_sosumi.html 48: http://www.dailymac.com/content/shopper/epsonosx.html 47: http://cogworks.manilasites.com/newsItems/viewDepartment$OS x apps and news 42: http://www.osxgoodies.com/admin.php 11: http://www.osxgoodies.com/admin.php?mod=taxonomy&op=add&type=leaf&vocabulary_id=5 10: http://www.osxgoodies.com/admin.php?mod=comment 33: http://www.dailymac.com/articles/tips/toychest/fractals.html 33: http://www.dailymac.com/content/osx_features/ 32: http://www.dailymac.com/content/editorials/sosumi.html 32: http://www.osxgoodies.com/index.php 30: http://www.dailymac.com/content/osx_goodies/asmreview.html 30: http://www.dailymac.com/content/poweruser/ 30: http://www.dailymac.com/content/shopper/ 25: http://www.google.com/search 24: http://www.rocemabra.com/roger/macmarks.html 23: http://www.dailymac.com/articles/products/usb/scanfaxcopy.html 22: http://osxgoodies.com/node.php 710: [not listed: 228 URLs]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
This report lists the files that caused failures, for example files not found.
Listing files, sorted by the number of failed requests.
reqs: file ----: ---- 38: /scripts/..%255c%255c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 38: /scripts/..%255c%255c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir 35: /default.ida 35: /default.ida?NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a 19: / 14: /scripts/..%255c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 14: /scripts/..%255c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir 13: /scripts/..%c0%af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 12: /scripts/..%5c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 12: /scripts/..%5c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir 9: /cgi-bin/formmail.cgi 9: /cgi-bin/formmail.pl 8: /scripts/..%c1%9c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 8: /d/winnt/system32/cmd.exe 8: /c/winnt/system32/cmd.exe 7: /scripts/winnt/system32/cmd.exe 7: /_mem_bin/..%255c../..%255c../..%255c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 7: /msadc/..%255c../..%255c../..%255c/..%c1%1c../..%c1%1c../..%c1%1c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 7: /_vti_bin/..%255c../..%255c../..%255c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 7: /scripts/..%c1%1c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 6: /scripts/..%252f../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 6: /scripts/.%252e/.%252e/winnt/system32/cmd.exe 2: x 1: /scripts/..%255c..%255cwinnt/system32/cmd.exe
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
This report lists the files on the site.
Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: last time: file ----: ------: ---------------: ---- 4289: 15.51%: 9/Apr/03 23:46: /module.php 2106: 3.06%: 9/Apr/03 23:46: /module.php?mod=node&op=feed 1079: 1.57%: 18/Feb/03 14:38: /module.php?mod=node&op=feed&PHPSESSID=c59f4345e25dc18605f93148ed2afcc3 75: 0.77%: 7/Apr/03 04:39: /module.php?mod=user&op=register 64: 0.93%: 7/Apr/03 04:46: /module.php?mod=user&op=edit 51: 0.46%: 9/Apr/03 23:41: /module.php?mod=user&op=login 48: 0.39%: 9/Apr/03 14:52: /module.php?mod=forum 42: 0.54%: 28/Mar/03 11:25: /module.php?mod=user&op=login 40: 0.36%: 8/Apr/03 15:50: /module.php?mod=user 36: 0.36%: 9/Apr/03 18:30: /module.php?mod=tracker 24: 0.20%: 7/Apr/03 04:45: /module.php?mod=user&op=view&id=1 16: 0.15%: 6/Apr/03 20:06: /module.php?mod=tracker&id=1 15: 0.12%: 7/Apr/03 21:44: /module.php?mod=user&op=password 10: 0.09%: 28/Mar/03 11:28: /module.php?mod=user&op=view 3929: 41.06%: 9/Apr/03 23:57: / 2972: 5.45%: 9/Apr/03 23:55: /themes/smarty/images/links.gif 2960: 4.20%: 9/Apr/03 23:55: /themes/smarty/images/osxgoodieslogo.gif 2952: 0.11%: 9/Apr/03 23:55: /themes/smarty/images/pixel.gif 2926: 1.29%: 9/Apr/03 23:55: /themes/smarty/images/linkbg.jpg 2918: 1.06%: 9/Apr/03 23:55: /misc/xml.gif 1476: 0.16%: 9/Apr/03 23:55: /themes/smarty/images/leftBG.gif 965: 4.05%: 9/Apr/03 23:55: /favicon.ico 672: 16.28%: 9/Apr/03 23:57: /node.php 195: 4.99%: 9/Apr/03 23:57: /node.php?id=22 33: 0.46%: 9/Apr/03 23:35: /node.php?id=23 26: 0.62%: 13/Jan/03 00:59: /node.php?id=22&PHPSESSID=b848017a2f51382b62ea40589f0bf519 10: 0.19%: 11/Mar/03 17:15: /node.php?id=22&cid=11&pid=10 383: 3.33%: 9/Apr/03 23:41: /images/jan2003/osxgoodiestablewoes.gif 382: 3.82%: 9/Apr/03 23:41: /images/jan2003/osxgoodiestextsample.gif 382: 0.54%: 9/Apr/03 23:41: /images/jan2003/safarisosumiwidgets.gif 102: 1.08%: 9/Apr/03 23:41: /index.php 49: 0.26%: 9/Apr/03 23:45: /admin.php 12: 0.05%: 12/Feb/03 16:24: /admin.php?mod=taxonomy&op=add&type=leaf&vocabulary_id=5 30: 0.31%: 24/Mar/03 09:03: http://banners.webmasterplan.com/index.php 11: 0.11%: 24/Mar/03 06:11: http://banners.webmasterplan.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=a1c89872ff6acee498a47cdb3d40922c 11: 0.11%: 23/Mar/03 19:11: http://banners.webmasterplan.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=2559d0bfe58a5e57f0dbb675532e9d00 22: 0.50%: 9/Apr/03 05:28: /images/jan2003/laughingmeme.gif 85: 0.98%: 9/Apr/03 23:48: [not listed: 28 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Failure Report: Request Report)